Occasionally, I like to shoot some flower shots, at all times of the day, whether it be mid-day, sunrise, or sunset. These photos are also at different locations which I will mention with every photo. I'm not sure want all the flowers are so if you have any ideas, let me know so I can update.
Enjoy the flower pictures!
Daisy's located at the Boston Public Gardens. |
As I walked over the bridge toward Beacon St. in the Public Gardens I looked left, right, left, right and spotted a lone Daisy sticking it's pretty head out and had to take a picture. As the sun shined behind it creating a light spot in the perfect place directly behind the flower, I took the shot not wanting to miss that opportunity. The dark green above was a neighboring tree's shadow cast upon the grass. This created a dynamic photo of what I like to call "Lone Flower"
Daisy's located at the Boston Public Gardens. |
I also saw this Daisy that was basking in the sunshine. I focused on the flower, while this time a group of white flowers stood behind in the shadow of a bush. The light shinning upon a flower created some interested shadows.
Close-up. |
Public Gardens. |
Lollypop Field. |
Public Gardens. |
Public Gardens. |
This photo was taken during two of my best friend's wedding, Noah and Erin. They got married in a beautiful church that had flowers all along the pews. Here is a picture of one of them. As I was sitting down waiting for the ceremony to begin, I took a picture of this flower with the altar in the background.
This picture was taken at Noah and Erin's wedding as well. This was during the reception. There was a beautiful bouquet near the entrance to the ceremony that I spotted. Aiming the camera toward the full length glass windows that light was beaming through, I had the flowers in focus playing off the light vs. dark You can also see some people that are a little blurring adding to the effect.
These next photos were shot right after a morning rain. I woke up one morning and decided to ride my bike and take some shots of the sunset. checking the weather the night before saying it was going to be partly cloudy, i ended up being nothing but cloudy. It wasn't a let down though and I made use of the time I was there. I ended up going to the Waterfront Park. There was a little flower garden I wandered into since I couldn't get any good sunrise shots. So, I several shots of different flowers from different angles to get...well...different perspectives.
Ahhh...the Flower Twins. |
Knelling down angling the camera up with the cloudy background beyond, I took this shot. Not much light was shinning upon this flower except the top of the flower a little bit. But, this picture I feel is more about the colors and relationship from one flower to the other than anything else. The connection there is, is much more powerful than anything else. I guess that's why I like this photo the most out of the four.
Close-up of water droplets on flower. |
The Rose Twins. |
The Rose Connection. |
I guess the next step would be to look at the aspect of artificial light to create more intense shadows for more dynamic photos. To create more of a mood, for better or worse.
Beautiful photographs Dave, as you know I have a special affection for your flower photography. You capture the flowers like people, like self portraits, where each flower has a story to tell when I look into them. xoxo